
MAY BIYAHE NA SA BAGUIO! Complete Travel Requirements before you GO?Ganda ng SM Baguio SKY TERRACE??

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Added by vindheim
Before you go to Baguio, Complete your requirements!
1. Login to visita.baguio.gov.ph and schedule your visit and wait for the travel approval then once approved, have screenshot of your QR code.
2. If you are riding a bus, quick tips: go online and book your bus travel in advance. Because we waited for 7 hours for our travel time inside the bus terminal. No luck for CHANCE Passengers
3. You need to secure your antigen test or swab test, available also in the bus terminal worth PHP 800 pesos and luckily we were negative. Thank you lord!
4.Once you are in Baguio, There is Triage process, you need to present your QR code,antigen test result and reason for the travel. Tourists are welcome to fuel the economy post pandemic.
5. Once done, Enjoy your travel in Baguio City.
6. Above all, observe safety protocols and be responsible.

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#BaguioRequirements #GoingtoBaguio #StepbyStep
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